It is time to know and see the deepest truth beyond the dark and light, and as an observer you have to be detach then go through the neutral. Because after all whatever happened to you over all, at the end still you are the highest frequency of love with your kind, understanding and compassionate mind.
The dark hidden in the light and light hidden in dark. But you are always looking for the bright side by ignoring your dark side. And by doing this, do you really think you can find the light? Knowing the truth from heart it is easier to love, but in mind level required courage, honesty, acceptance and forgiveness. Otherwise, you will never know the real truth until you know the both, that is hidden one into another.
Truth is truth you accept it or not, generation-wise wrong happened. But if you really want to save the nation, then you have to know the truth then act with love, wisdom and compassion. But do not do anything with aggressive mood, what the opposite did before, even may come from both sides, instead change the opposite by your higher mind.
At a time, remember do all the right to yourself first, even do not take any decision only through the emotion. Instead merge with your intelligence and wisdom, otherwise you may go again to the previous situation. Now correct the cycle completely by elevating through your highest version.
Finally again, still If you are conflicted with the dark side, then know that darkness is your strength, and as an alchemist you can change any situation from the dark to the light. So, you should not have to hate, ignore or beat yourself up or run from the society or world, instead accept, and correct (if you think there is anything needed and use it to the right way) but in most cases embrace your power and love your whole incomparable being. This act transforms the self completely and will bring your most beautiful unique uppermost divine being, that will not only save yourself but your entire (from the present to the future) generation of creation.
Note: Dark side not only the power, control, competition, hate and jealousy, but also the pain, guilt, sadness and depression.
Jessica Gbeholds
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