The Transformation of Dark Force@Part 01

Dark force the sign of power, rule and control, but how they made let's go into the deep. Actually dark force created from the lack of love, self love, worth, pain, hatred, anger, fear, desire, jealousy and competition in society that finally makes them inferior and abandon. Then after certain time they get power and becomes the superior. But because of their pain, they should not be abusive and hold the grudge for revenge by their dominant power. In fact they must come out and cure themselves from all the illusive pain that has been created by their unconscious mind.

Even yet if they have any pain they can convert it as a strength who can make the real change. But yes sometimes it is hard to choose, if someone gets unconscious by the negative force. So be fully conscious because the great leader never uses their power and words unconsciously from the point of their uncontrolled mind, that can bring any destruction in world, instead they turn it opposite for the greater good of humanity. 

From another perspective, still I have to say that dark force not always created or made for doing the wicked. In depth if we can see there is lot, those are in deep anxiety, grief and depression, this is also the sign of dark energy, and the truth is every human has both sides and it is not always only started by the hierarchy but can be any inferior or superior mind, those may live in our family, friends and society.


So we must save them first, but how? Will you fight with them, control them, will you teach them. But truth is nothing actually works most of time until they realize. Because they live in the 3D frequency and influenced by the outer negative forces, that makes them same as well.

But that does not mean you will throw them again to the dark place, instead wish them well always, aware them, support them and show the way. But most importantly love them, this is the powerful thing you can ever do.

So that finally they can change by their own realization and save themselves from any harmful situation. Even do the right not from the dark, but with light that brings the real transformation in world.


Jessica Gbeholds 
