Highest Rewards Come From The Hardest Test

-In this world everyone has their own purpose, so don't think they have no any strength or incapable than you to show their best to the next. Some appear earlier and some are later, but do not make any mess with someone else that could make you feel once worthless. In this case, before you underestimate someone keep remember, today might be your turn but who knows tomorrow you can be behind of them, so be aware.
-Some people get the chance to show their highest in their earlier stage, that makes them sometimes arrogant, selfish, rude and these all making them to think, that they are very precious item for the society. These people are always competitive  to each other, for who is and how much better or bigger position or successful life they have got than the other.
-Also they fix up in their mind with this kind of thinking, that they are doing the best always and will have everything what they expect. In fact they cannot able to achieve anything that has any real value, so this is the continuous process, might they do not know, and this mentality makes them worthless and helpless for doing nothing on anything. But they need to understand, everyone experience the bad and good both situation from their own standard to their whole life, and it might be several times or at least once in a lifetime.
-So my point is, whose are having the highest result? 1). Those are went through the hardship after giving their all efforts, but didn't have what they supposed to get yet and still fighting, struggling and trying with patience for going forward by finishing their all obstacle. 2). Or who is just complaining all the time after having huge privilege even they might not deserve, but still feel lacking in their mind by misuse or mistreating others. 
-Are they really eligible to get something best or better in their life? I don't think so, instead I believe the first one must be getting ready for the best and greatest reward even beyond their thinking, those are already experienced painful life, then accept and overcome it with their deep and higher understanding.

Jessica Gbeholds 
