Justice and Magic by God's Gift

God gives power to the man smaller to bigger, then see what they are doing and putting their effort through the right intention. And the real man does the justice for the benefit of overall, especially those are highly deserve-able through the higher intelligence and the purity of their heart.

Once upon a time you tried hard for making things right and did everything through painful struggle, but nothing works like what you deserved. Now by the new program you are breaking your all old system and learning, gaining what you love more than thousands times better by your authentic self of with higher ancient wisdom and power. 

Do not match with the reality, create yours where you are the creator of your own. Same as do not look outside anymore, higher wonderers creation comes from within remember. Stay in your light, be protective and create the life you deserve, where everyone of your loving, living in their safe peaceful surrounding.


Jessica Gbeholds 
