Higher Understanding For Your New Reality

You can have the reward by your talent or hard work and it can be money, position, higher career or other material stuff. But the best reward you can achieve by your great character through your good behavior, attitude and thinking not only yourself, but to others with your all around.

You may not perfect always but you are the unique and best on your overall phase. Because you are made of higher consciousness to know about why perfect and imperfect existed. Where all and each of living being can be compassionate and loving to each other by their higher understanding.

Earth is the learning place but you almost finish and preparing for your new fresh turning. Though it is continuous process until you fully reach to your higher state. And now you are the master creator of your reality. So, choose wisely to create the best and observe everything by your wise learning process. 

Be calm, confident and patience always, because you know all is happening to the right timing what you wish by your authentic magnetic quality. So stay out of mind and go with the flow most of time with your higher knowledge and ecstasy for your all greater valued experiences in your reality.


Jessica Gbeholds 
