Vulnerable and Courageous@Part-2

@Courage, yes very powerful virtue, not everyone have got the opportunity to see the world from their own feet. Because most of them fear and depend on others for living in their comfort zone. 

@Actually we afraid to be free, what if we get insulted or if we have to leave the place from our society or circle! Yes we may scared to fully open up to take the risk. Because of our impure energized activities, and it is always showing us for making another wrong line. 

@So we love the process or not, but in this way we are actually developing our mind to survive and confirming a precious contribution to the society. Though very few braver go through the deep and come up with the best require changes for not only for them even for the whole world.


@But yes courage not for everyone that makes the difference, this is the huge taking risk and out of your comfort zone that sometimes push you down for your real goal and turn to move you into the bunch of great exciting opportunities to the high place. Which is finally counted not only for you, but also for the all around.

@Countless condemnation, toleration and humility then finally all the uncertain risk shows you the direction to get to reach your highest valley. 

@And those are ignorant, they still live in the darkness and scared to know the truth. So "They may hate or afraid you for being different and not living by society standard, deep down they wish they had the courage to do the same"

@But those are already cross or on your path, they always have care, support, love and respect for you and till to the last. Because they are your soul tribe come up with the similar mission in world and connected to the same frequency and information in spirit world for continuing the journey of soul to the eternal.

"So may you have the courage to break the patterns, that no longer serving you" Collected.

Wake up, make the difference and change for the whole world!


                            N.B: First written April 9, 2020, reviewed on March 8, 2023


Jessica Gbeholds
