From the fear of God started all of wisdom, and then the love of God starting by your salvation. That will free you eternally, and create the love of frequency all around by your kindest loving heart. 

It shows to see every being needed the love from the deepest heart. And then they change the world for better, those are living the life with higher consciousness.

The truth is human being come to the earth by their last incarnation for their best version. Then they are guided and protected by the higher realm of spirit for following the heart of love, as the final act for establishing a greater world.

Where everyone will be free and create by their own level of unique choice and path, especially those are chosen and deserve.

When you are human, you act mostly by the rule than love for your fear. But when you are human of spirit you know the truth and act by the love than rule. 

Though you already learn the rule that life teaches you, now you know how to act for overall better with your absolute power. In fact, your spirit knows all is happening for your highest good and growth step by step for your greatness.


Jessica Gbeholds 
