Be Yourself/ Observant/ Right Act/ Great Consequences

Be silent, being yourself, stay away from the disorder, until you feel you should do something there. Because you know why it's all happening. 

Only go where your energy match or master only yours for attracting and creating all greater and magical thing, by focusing your higher purpose.

Emotions are powerful sense, but do not fall in trap through the unnecessary feeling, that may later make you feel worthless. 

Instead use your energy and emotion deeply, where is really needed through the purified loving vibration by your keen observation.

If something goes against your mind and ethics, do not be hard on yourself. Instead be authentic and give the solution same as, what you would like to have in that circumstances.

Otherwise stay away, because learning and solution are coming through the natural way for shifting the situation.

You are wise and you know this is the universal truth, what you will do come to you, so do not repeat the cycle anymore. But choose wisely for own and your surround, that makes you feel worth. 

Beside this take the right action regarding any situation for overall, that will introduce your higher  knowledgeable and talented version.


Jessica Gbeholds


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