@_Your all suffering will be release, whenever you fall in love with the infinite and the very moment, you will fall in love yourself with everything. Then there has no such suffering, yet if you are in the most painful state. 

@_All light is same, no matter where it comes form, you will never understand until you find your own. Find your light to lit bright for the whole world, that will keep you in silence for your own joy and peaceful world.

@_Every hurt makes your light up, this is the blessing from higher to make your light shine. Ignite through your brightest flame till to your last breath, then we will be together all over to the eternal.

 @_All struggle you are facing in this life for the experiment of your experiences. Enjoy the journey, nothing is wrong here both are needed one for another. And through knowing the truth, that will free you completely for infinite love of your own being. 

jEssica Gbeholds 
