Love & Rule Opposite Can Be Together By Knowing Truth

-Love will give you freedom, specially for those are love themselves. In fact they able to make the real love for others as well. 

This love is rare, deep in feeling, but detached form the emotion, and by understanding will stay forever with respect and affection.

-Power under by the rule and it is wrong apply, when you set on others. It's caused by attachment and take you to the dissatisfaction in life. 

Also will make you unlovable, abusive, depressed and dependable, that's connected with fear from reason of faithless or weak believe.

-Ability to apply power on others, it might make you happy or powerful for sometimes, and you will have some popularity by this time. But at the end or in certain time, it must brings your lower version to the overall.

-In another way, you can hold your power strongly by controlling yourself instead of others. It is the real power, that works like magic for seeing in and outside of world through the mind of your observation.

-So, control yourself for gaining the real power (which is within) through your wisdom and higher intelligence, that will lead you beyond forever for your own peace of world.

@Attachment: Love with expectation, depending, control, fear, anger, suspicion, envy, competition, weak or uncontrolled emotion, that's opposite of real love. (Before Awaken)

@Unconditional Love: Satisfaction in life, spirited, pleasant and peaceful, not only for here, also for there. Sometimes, it seems like having everything by losing all. Strong believe, freedom, Passionate, that is absolute and applicable for everything. (After Awaken)


Jessica Gbeholds
