Difference between Religious and Spiritual Perspective


Religious view based on belief, and the right and wrong doing of human activities. It shows the differences between good and bad impact, though good or bad is not just always, what we know and see. It is mostly works through the feeling and thinking, that comes from your heart and mind for doing the best and worst for anything. 

But in spirituality, there is open to receive everything based on good and bad both without any judgement, that comes form one. It's established by strong belief and logic, connected one to another and work together for going to the last level of stillness through your right understanding.

 Though both goes through the belief, but one is based on only belief by the previous information, another goes by own experiences for finding the truth with logic. Without logic belief also work strongly, but when you go through the reasoning, the foundation will be stronger than your prior thinking.

Finally belief is the strongest part of both side, that works different way before and after your knowing. Some are also out of belief, though it works for them as well in another way. But it's all correlated and come one after another to the same way, through different life time by facing all, as per each of their timing, that will take you to beyond everything. 


jEssica Gbeholds
