@Do not sell your feeling by ordinary doing, instead keep your greater perspective on this. Then whatever the timing is, you will always be the precious for someone with your authentic lovable being.

@Everyone deserve love, but mostly I will say kindness for all. Love is only possible if the same energy connected one with another, and that love will be pure. So, kindness can be for everyone, and the greater feeling love first for yourself, that makes you to be a love for anyone else.

@The people those are torturing, and the people are getting tortured is different. Yet they are connected, sooner or later they turn one to another for coming to the same way. And that will give them the final realization for experiencing the cycle of life by their own life time. 

@There are some people may deserve love or not, but you are still giving, because you know the secret of reasoning. Therefore, the people are doing wrong from their insecurities and wounds, they may need it more from the missing their love of own. But remember first for yourself , so that you are not being wounded anymore. Also care and love, to those are really deserve and needed most.

Jessica Gbeholds
