Philosophical Thought@Mind Heart & Soul

@We all have beautiful heart, that might hide sometimes, but how many have beautiful mind! So the real challenge is not heart, but mostly purify your mind, that will open your heart, directly for reaching high.

@You can be attracted, for your name and physical existence. But you will be loved and remembered life after life by millions, for your beautiful mind with pure heart, which is hidden in your soul for being whole in world.

@You may be asked, what you actually have in this world, to the materialistic perspective you do not have much yet for saying. But you have got the rare one, the wisdom, love and light, where all continuing for your in and outer world. 

@Seek your real identity which is hidden in your soul. You are the stardust of soul made by heart of gold. Stay in your heart, where exist your real love, feel the love go forward to the whole world.

Jessica Gbeholds 
