@Nothing comes with your instant desire, you will have what you did, and all are coming to the timing that you deserve. But none of them are useless, either reward or learning that keeps you focus on your highest path.

@Greed creates thousands of wrong, come out from greed for your harmony of peace. Where you will be settled with light, within your heart for creating greater life.

@Fallen one make room for others to grow and how to live beautifully. Also discover the wonder of life by traveling inside of world. Later on that's create reality for enjoying the life to the outside of world. 

@One of biggest part of your learning in your life, when you can accept what is happening around you, where you are not always supposed to be agreed. It is karmic consequences, let it happen as it is. And be grateful that all you see now by your deeper knowing.  

@Strongest get ton of problem to solve, whereas weaker are always trying to find out the reason by blaming others for ignoring those. Be the strongest, do your best to your place and get the highest.

@You cannot do everything perfectly always. Sometimes you just need to go through the flows to have your work done, and do continue that is called persistence for reaching your goal. But the time will come suddenly, when life giving you everything by your own all plan.

@Do not love blindly, it is not only weaken you, but also destroy other part of you. Be conscious and balance that's leading you and showing you love for fulfilling your heart of both part.


Jessica Gbeholds 
