Mystery of Soul@Uncover Yourself To Discover You

@You rise high above by falling again and again for your real gleam. Now the time to have your light shine to the highest line, since we worked for long.

 @Listen to your soul instead of your mind, that gives you real joy inside of your heart to the universe.

@Be the pure, real and powerful, then transform your power to the light as the highest being of king in your kingdom.

@I feel joy, when I know what wants my soul, and then at the same time my mind always the reason of my sorrow.

@Do not fall into the trap in this world, all are illusion. Stay away from any of infatuation for your final salvation.

 @You have died before your death, then discover yourself in the powerful state. Where we are creating our reality within serenity for blissful soul world.

 @Fight with your own evil that is hidden in you and interrupting each of moment. Otherwise you have to control or accept your inside, then outer will be disappear within very moment.

@Change your life by changing your powerful thought. Where we are vibrating to have our greatest thing, as of magical being through the deep luminous frequency. 


Jessica Gbeholds                                                                                                          
