Go within self for your new journey with all clarity

@You are the mysterious, came from the stardust and cosmic dream of world, who is working for new ground of humanity. And through your imagination, You preparing new creation for the whole next generation.

@Though your luck was pre planned, still you have two keys by changing your sense of thinking. Only that can free or escape you for being best or worst for anything.

@I Am! I am hidden in you, and come through your clarity. Who wants to know me, come to them through the dark and light of their invisible mind.

@Once upon a time, I loved you same as I hated you. Then I started to love you, with my all purified mind. And then the moment I realize you and me, we are the one.

@I am working your inside, the reflection come to your out. The result not only for you, but also for others, that meet everyone's desire.

@Sometimes I get lost deep into my mind and feel like, I am not for this world anymore. Then come back and feel like, I need to be stay here a little more long, for enjoying the beauty of life, that I did not get chance before. Where all is mine to this life of my present existence.


Jessica Gbeholds
