@Leave everything that's not serving your own love of heart. Then you will find your peace, deep down into your soul. Where we are living together in our pure authentic world.

@Say what you love through open your heart with truth and joy. Where is your soul deep down dancing within your hole for your love of world.

@We are living in the truth and lie, how would you find the truth, where lie also work in same way. Only the way to pursue the truth, go through your secret of heart.

@Dancing with my soul, depth in my heart, where you and I dig into the deep hole for finding our love of light. Then your true identity, the soul will free you for showing your real world.

 @Be pure and beautiful inside, as like your out, and that will lead you to your real love. Where your soul dancing in deep inside for fulfilling your heart.

@Only knows soul, where nothing to lose, but everything is yours. Break your all wrong past perception by knowing the truth. Then rise above for changing, through going forward with your highest vibration for the light of world.


Jessica Gbeholds 
