Be In Peace Within Your Emptiness

@Since from the very beginning  I was I am and I will be. My outer surrounding will be change by decades of timing. But I will be remaining the same from my root to high till to the eternity.

@We are the light and dark within us, the tasks for the lifetime to spread by choosing the right through balancing of both or the best one for the whole world.

 @You are attached with your past and future, but be detach only present can free you from all your suffering and give you the eternal love and peace within depth of your soul.

 @You need to come out from your mind that the prison you have created by long time. Then everything will fall in place time to time that you are waiting for since so long.

@Be the light of your soul not in physical existence. Your soul will be light of whole, otherwise it may surround you with the darkness and keep your light away from your soul.

@Burn yourself in this fake world though both are same in pain. But find out the worth one for your real satisfaction by digging your feeling by the final playing.


Jessica Gbeholds


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