Love Of Silence Within Your Unknown Imagination

@Fall in love with silence in your unknown imagination is not only miracle or wonder for someone's life. In fact there is nothing best in life to fulfill you with full of contentment.

So, be the unlimited mystery in your own imagination, where logic and science can be only the limited things to prove any ideas on matter. 

Because real existence not only in the human form or in other living being, but also beyond your thinking. 

@Good and bad, joy and grief, excitement and frustration all is mind game, you should control your mind always for the right choice.  

Mind is the reason for all suffering and peace, otherwise how hard you battle to get the things done, it will never be found even ever until you change your thinking. 

So as same in silence, where you find God and meet with Evil in crowd, and you can deal with silence for ignoring the crowd to set you free for your eternal peace. 


Jessica Gbeholds 
