Happiness Form The Root Level

@You were never been happier before, nor will be in the future, until you happy from now. You only need to change your mind to start living at the present moment. Then be happy forever with your soul along all.

@Happiest feeling going through your higher or highest possibilities, no matter where you are now! Your real identity will show you the way to share and love for fulfilling your heart within and around the world. 

@Know yourself for knowing the truth, then you will discover yourself from the pure love of essence in cosmic world. Where you are creating your dream, that comes through the pain, then turning to your strength, peace and joy, which might continue until to the end of your living in this world.

@Take all the good situations with you for your joyful moments. But if there is something bad happen that might another bigger reward preparing, which is coming to you. But be in patience and leave your expectation. So that you can enjoy every moment with your pure wish and love, to have your all desire. 

@Once upon a time, I was fool and innocent, then I was working on being cleaver and intelligent for getting more by losing my core. But life put me through to the stage for going back to the root again for my final reclamation. Where we find ourselves in another experience with full of love in silence.


 Jessica Gbeholds
