Why people suffer from the beginning to end of their life? Some points could be summed up to the following:
Point no1@People are suffering continuously for their wrong deeds, in that point everyone get punished or reward more or less for their bad and good activities. Though all results are not directly reflected by that time, some are take less or long time. Sometimes punishment is better for change, it resolves the previous sin, and the very moment we accept this through our understanding, the greater change will be coming for our final forming.
Point no2@We all related to each other and come form one, in that point when something good or bad happen with us, the reason we responsible to create our own problem or solution by doing something wrong or right with others, then the vibration of effect connect to all of us. Our mind is selfish to love purely from our heart, and most of time we are deeply attached by our anger, greed for our egoistic power and create hate, fight to each other. Yes, this is the human nature and created by this law and this is one of most significant reason that people suffering in hell.

At the end, we all are good and bad, and anything happen for our own wrong and right deeds, which is reflection the Law of Karma. Then, whatever happen with us good or bad, we experience silence and suffering, reward and punishment, and these all are control by our higher and lower intelligence of supreme power. So, we need to be aware, through the guidance of intelligence for experiencing heaven and hell.

"Blessed is the one who preservers under trail because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him": (James I:I2).
jEssiCa Gbeholds
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