Action & Justice VS. Patience & Forgiveness@Part@01

Sometimes it is needed to take action for justice, when things are going really wrong around you. But at a time, you can choose to be silent by tolerance for your strength, to see the miracle what is going to happen. 

First one can be normal as usual justified and must be needed for sometimes. But second one contain hidden valuable secret, that keep you in perfect place, though there is required strong self control, patience through the unbearable pain. 

And yes first one might be popular and possible to get justice, but second one is invincible that can make you unstoppable for having all. There is another point need to included, without your understanding and patience it can not be work. As well question will be arise that, how long you will tolerate or keep trying for seeing the situation better.

The answer is, your patience will give you all the results by the timing. So, grow through your understanding with the power of your forgiveness. 

But yes this is very rare and tough to apply but have to admit, this is the last and final solution for anything. Whereas your justice might give you another beginning of trouble by allowing your egoistic power.
At the end, forgiveness or action for anything whatever you decided to do through your all trying, do it. Ultimately it will be happen what supposed to be that comes from your strength. So, don't need to be too worried for that, just accept and go ahead, then on time you will reach by overcoming your all steps to the highest place. 
Jessica Gbeholds
