@I am the fire of hell and the air of heaven. I am the power of source can destroy or restore anything. Also the love of light can remove the whole darkness, in truth we are same as one love within.

@I am the superior, and the inferior, same as I am all within emptiness. At the end, you and me, we are one of another to the eternity, beyond above everything. 

@When you know about the eternity, you will find yourself, then the time you know what is infinity, where both are one for another the love of oneness. 

@Infinite = 0 = Unlimited free space. Finite = 10, 100, 1000, 10000....... = counted and surrounded by the outer limited info. (0/1)........= Oneness

@I am the believer, and the atheist, I am the survivor, and the healer, I am the seeker and the observer as you are. All together I am nothingness and everything within your consciousness. 

@I am the sign of cruelty, sign of love, sign of reality and delusion as you are. In truth we are same as one and all, infinite love of oneness.


Jessica Gbeholds
