Myst.Of Truth@Desire I Delusion I Suffering I Peace

@You will know the right and wrong both by fill your heart with full of bad and good. Then you get the chance to choose the absolute truth of the eternity or fall into the full of misery. But find out the truth then live in your eternal peaceful world till to forever.

@People fall in trap by their own expectation, not other matter reasonable for that miserable situation. Actually, we are making our own deception becoming frustrated and blaming our luck, then complaining about others to cover our offense. But clear your mind then you will see the truth through your wisdom.

@First is first, do not put it on second, because second one can be your wrong decision and you might confused on that to the rest of your life. This is also right that, sometimes it can work to the opposite. But when you struggle on both then you may take risk for the second or stay in first with your patience for seeing another beautiful change.


@You have had more than enough, but your greed can take all from you. Then drop you into the delusion unless your timing has been over. Then come out with the similar deeds again for your new direction and find your real wonderful world, that comes through the misery of mystery for creating the heaven of your eternal peace.  

@Sometimes desire influence us to fall into the trap, therefore we should think about before taking the final decision for our next step, which would be harmless to make our life easier for peacefulness. Another way you can live in your desire within and out of your world, that would be good for overall by the greater change of your own world.


Jessica Gbeholds 
