People mostly collect information from their circle because they cannot think freely. So they brain washed by society very easily, then they copied the same thing again and again. Because they stuck with some of calculative as usual ideas and beliefs by the several decades of lifetime from the books or just listening by others.
Then they act like the way by their own perception, even without seeing or taking from others opinion. They also very attach within their group's, and if something bad happen to them, then they afraid to leave that place, the reason for the fear of their judgment.
Yes we can hide our feeling whatever something bad happen to us. Then in the very moment we can left that environment with dishearten, and it also must required to respect our own feeling, that may create another new beautiful story.
At a time from among us, another or the same one can also act selflessly to the same place without any judgement, whatever the situation is! But you can raise your voice for justice if really needed, because of your wise conscious sense and courage. And first must love and respect yourself, and be the authentic one with your kindness. Who can give support and care to anyone, not for the advantage but pure satisfaction of your soul and heart, that shows your unconditional love.
Jessica Gbeholds
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