All lie will be discover one day, and you will fall into the full of sorrow and shame with your disappointed heart. It might stuck you to move on or give you another chance to let your life lead again with the bitter or better truth.
But you can choose and the truth will always show you the right way for flourishing your life forever without any boundaries for your eternal life.
@You can live more than one world or within two in your imagination, but you cannot reach that level until you have experienced of consciousness from your inside, then your outer also reflected to the same way.
@Present + Imagination = Unbiased by the real world = Peace in Heaven.
Puzzle in present by Past and Future + Blind or Wrong Belief = Biased by False World = Suffering in Hell.
All roots come from your mind for your difficulties or solution, also from deeper level of your soul for the final salvation.
@You can live more than one world or within two in your imagination, but you cannot reach that level until you have experienced of consciousness from your inside, then your outer also reflected to the same way.
So, you might find this through your lifetime, or next several decades by your reincarnation for finding the truth really who you are!
Jessica Gbeholds
Jessica Gbeholds
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