Pain Makes You Stronger For Being Real

@IDENTIFYING  VALUES OF STRONGER & WEAKER@People get hurt by their whole life more or less and two types of people always come out from the painful situation. One group complaining all the time and introduce themselves as helpless victim to the world. Another group becomes stronger and have their greatest achievement from their valuable lesson that they have earned by their pain. Then it's keeps them in thrilling stage for living to the next part, even for the rest of their life.

@IMPORTANT TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE REAL ONE@Normally people are confused about the real thing. Because they love to stay in fake, and it takes long time for them to know about the truth and going to reach at the stable place. Yes they might get sudden excitement by fake as well weaker are usually cheated by those easily. So, this is really precious for someone to have the real one in forward of their whole lifetime.

@REAL LOVE@You don't need huge people to have and express your love. It is ok to have some qualitative people around you to get some magnificent feeling, which can remind your lifetime to make you feel great. True love gives you real satisfaction within your heart and mind, also make you stronger in and outside. So find the real, but yes thousands of people love, if that comes from their heart, though this is not very easy. But lucky are those or their big achievement, if anyone or they really can reach that level.

Jessica Gbeholds
