Pain Makes You Perfect@Darkest time teach and shows the easiest way for living your life fully and here is the real secret of knowing that hidden in life. Therefore, you should not be hopeless for the upcoming steps, because life combine with bad and good times and it knows the way what's ahead.
You might don't realize in that moment but when time pass on, you could relate the connection of one another that how it works. So, need to go through the flows and be hopeful for the best to next always of your wonderful life.
All Decision Not Yours@When you do something impatiently, there is most chances that you will do the wrong. So, take little time to understand that situation for any response or reaction. Otherwise you may made huge mistake that can be difficult to recover in future. 
But sometimes opposite could be happen with the little chances, and in that time you did something without thinking, but have the big impact through different direction. Because that situation was not under your control to make you calm and think to had the wrong or right decision, and be sure for that it was directly directed by the opposite that lead you to the right way for your destination.
Keep Patience On Your Faith@You will get your reward that you deserve by your act and this is not the end of this world, to have your whole achievement for finishing all. 
Yes some people love to get the instant result might be this is their choice and I think this is the endless choice they chose to make their mind unstable. So, shouldn't be hopeless because this is not the only timing or place to have everything, whereas the bigger thing are coming to your way.
Jessica Gbeholds 
