In our society, some people show their arrogance when they reach in their unexpected level, and it can be for their high financial status or social images. During this time they might have new position and earn some respect or power whatever is that. But they may forget constantly about their previous situation. 
By this time, they are busy for proving themselves as they are very important in the society competition. However are they realize? People might being tested by getting some praise, name or fame. But nothing would be lasted, if we only showing off through the superior attitude or dishonesty.
Therefore, we should always aware of our thinking and behavior to each other, that could be protect us from being vulnerable for doing any wrong in future. As well, I think real person does not always necessarily need to show or tell people what they have or had or will get and what they did or want to do or going to do for others. Actually their work and time will say everything for themselves. 
So, suddenly by changing your outer will not make you the real one, unless you change your inside. Because all will be proven on time by your valuable words and actions which authentically grown up your inside to express not actually by outside. 
Jessica Gbeholds 
