Leader is not boss, because they don't like to be a competitor to win the race. They are not only born for a specific position or work to finish their whole life, also they don't like to show off in front of everyone that they are doing something great work. 

In fact, they work behind of everything to get the actual output for all over betterment. Their main intention is to help everyone to get the work done for the real value of purpose, but not for helping others to have attention or the reputation. But yes they come to their time with high worth that they earn by their own, and that's nothing to compare with anything or anyone, that can disregard their value.

Contrariwise, bosses are always focus on them to get highlighted everywhere. But unware to introduce and appreciate their coworker or student whatever they do and for this reason most of time, they feeling low and guilt from their position. Usually bosses are mostly manipulated and manipulating their group or others for bringing out their bad things and weakness, more than their skills and strength. 

By this way, they are making lots of servant not actually the future leader, who have courage to change something else by a little frequent step for the present and next generation.

So be a leader and that will give you the real satisfaction for not what you have. But for that what you did and come out from all the badass ideas, that is only suit for all bossy character activist. 


Jessica Gbeholds 
