Away from Toxic those take no Blame and Love to Play Game

@Making problem with someone, then showing the solution to handle the situation for their own preference, actually this is not really a good idea to give the feeling others, that they are lifesaver.
This kind of people like to make drama anywhere in any time, to have the situation in their favor.
Some people are afraid of those and show their fake attention and respect to them without any love and intention.
@But all are not fool after seeing their all drama and comedy to hide themselves at the corner with helpless or shameless look, some others may victim under their control. Sometimes it is really needed for some people or someone to take stand against those for proving that they are not actually doing the right thing as for their future alarming.
@Making good relation in front of everyone and showing totally opposite to their behind, it is one of the very common character of toxicity. But is that really make them feel good or stupid person for themselves even to others? Are they realize ever or just love to excavate their own hole all the time to fall into that all over their life which might suit for them.

@So, don't expect anything from those kind of people, that they will be agree with you and you can't be either. However just ignore those for their all sick of ideas and act.
"Or you can give the food what they love to eat, sometimes with the bitter test, if this is needed". Similarly, show your all agreement whatever they say or do, and be ready with the fault, even you may not. But take stand for yourself, when it is necessary with logic and proof as much as you have to make the right action through your best version for changing overall situation.
Review: April 21, 2024
@Still if something going on wrong, then the best thing you can ever do completely remove all those or that sick minded people from your life. Because you deserve a peaceful and healthy lifestyle, after hell of suffering that is waiting for long. And be make sure everyone around you now is valuable, respectable and lovable through your wise powerful mind in your new beautiful world.

Jessica Gbeholds
