Problem & Solution@Thinking I Attitude I Act.

@Wrong ATTITUDE / Misunderstanding AND Solution:To have solution on something, it is not just about complaining, blaming or point out someone or something, that the person is accused for those problems. 

From my point of view, it is needed to find out, is this made intentionally or unintentionally or might be the misunderstanding? Otherwise you are not seeking a solution, you wanted to have an attention for yourself by doing something to show you important. 

Actually for the real solution it should be develop a mutual deal of both sides to make those better. But finally for the special treatment, if this is not work then must be strict on that from your stand point with logical explanation to have the right judgement. 

Yes this is also right we might not expect the solution from everyone, but we need to change ourselves to make things better which is very important for all of us. 


@Wrong  THINKING And ACT: People are making wrong with others when they are in troubles and this is not happening only for their relationship, family or in financial situation. Actually there are some other reason always responsible for to make all that kind of issues, and the real problem is jealousy and anger, that trigger them for competing each other. 

Also their inappropriate thinking, that make them feel insecure and scared from their position and situation. In this case, some are always trying to be nice artificially with others and another group want to show their power by highlighting their fake empower behavior. And these activities are enough to make people down, sad even aggressive, and reason for their unhappy life, which is secretly work in their mind.


Jessica Gbeholds 
