Psychological Fact@Find Yourself, Through Your Right Thinking!

@_According to the psychological fact, at the age of 28 women are get  depressed, scared and crazy about their grown up stage. In this period they feel insecure and surrounding by all of negativity their inside and out. It is continuing around 35, within this time they turn to the another stage to find out their real value or misleading their mind and life into the more difficulties. So do not be vulnerable and choose the right choice to make your life remarkable.  
@_If you want to shine it is not just only burning or struggling yourself, it is also open up to bring out your hidden talent and value from your inside for sparkling all around, that can take you to the powerful state. 
@_Memory is deeper than the real situation, it gives you the most sad and amazing feeling in life sometimes, but as a human being we should love those, that can at least remind us and able to take go back to have some of wonderful emotion in our mind which is exist for long. Otherwise we might miss one of most important heart touching feeling and disregard the value of every little thing form our life.
@_You can write something better but if the topic is valueless, you can not fulfill your purpose to reach up to the right point. Likewise doing something good without love and compassion nothing will be work out to the end. So, do anything for yourself or anyone by your heart not always by your mind that make it miserable.
Jessica Gbeholds
