Should Be Along With Helpless Instead Of Stronger

-We always interested to support stronger, because we think it could be beneficial for us, where we can get more praise and power. But required to help weak those are actually needed, and by the proper guidance, they may turn into the stronger from their weakest point. So, through this you can do the greater work for your mind and situation to have the real power. 
-I think, there is only some of special and bravo people can take this challenge to make some differences for the world. And these people are leading to the next generation, where demonstrated the distinction between ordinary and the extraordinary.
-But the real weaker are those want to feel stronger by supporting socially powerful people for ensuring their security. Whereas the real stronger always same for all, who support anyone in any situation and the partial behavior is not their personality. Actually they are stronger for their highest activities conversely the weaker are always weak for their inability.
-Finally be the strongest one with your right thinking and activities. Because only those will give you the hidden power to all over, the person you are becoming in world.
Jessica Gbeholds 
