@People creating problem with each other because of their misunderstanding on that situation, person or purpose. We may do it directly or indirectly through our suspicious mind, as well it can come from the outside of misinformation.
So, if we find out main cause of the problem, that might started first from our own mind, then it can be possible to resolve the most of part and by this way we can able to get any kind of solution for our life.
@Intention and work both are needed for the right doing. If
your intention is good, but you are unable for doing the work to the right way,
it can be acceptable for certain time.
But you are working hard and
intention is bad, that might not serve well your purpose. On
the other hand, when you are on both with your honesty and hard work, there is no any
reason to stop you that can take you to your goal and purpose.
Jessica Gbeholds
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