Problem - Misunderstanding l Communication Gap

-Communication gap is the main reason of misunderstanding and both are responsible for the root cause of any problem. We most people are always making judgment about someone behind of them without knowing the real reason. It makes people mind misunderstood, judgemental even making bad comments and rude unexpected behavior to each other.

-The fact is most of them may not want to create the bad situation intentionally but yes some might be the opposite. And every little problem can be huge day by day, if we do not take any action to solve that situation. Sometimes it's seems like people wants to live in that, but this is also right how many times we solve if someone do this continuously by their illogical intention. 
-On the other hand, they might do not know actually how to deal with that even sometimes they afraid and ignore to fix that. There is also another big reason of ego, that create worst feeling in mind to destroy your relation and situation. Yes one of vicious entity that can ruin you and your surrounding continuously.
-So, People can make better relation with their realistic understanding by proper communication, but ignoring their egoism. Where both must be agreed to make a healthy environment inside and out by their greater work and intention. And the equilibrium of benefit will be for everyone, so that each of being can be living with the higher satisfaction.

 Jessica Gbeholds
