-Love is pure, sublime feeling that gives you blissful healing, but most of us, have that wrong meaning. Love can refine your soul and give you very pleasant moment, that can make your life wonderful for achieving anything, and this feeling is not just for couple of months or years, if you want, can continue with this forever. But we people are always impatience, selfish and conditional with our loved one, and trying to busy for proving to the world, that how wonderful couples we are! whereas real love is disappear.
-However, could it be a good relation? which is always based on the rude, critical, judgemental behavior and suspiciously compare to each other. In fact, through this way we are creating a bitter relation, against of one another. 

-In another side, some relation always break drastically, the reason people are expecting return to the same way, obviously it can not be a good example to make a perfect relationship that could be work out. But I believe through the good changes in your thinking, that can be a great impact not only our relationship, but also for our life. 
-So, actually we should love and care our dearest without any expectation of return. Because this is one of the greatest way to keep your love alive, if we really want that person or those people in our life. Because love is not to make a deal between us for any trade. 

-To the another point, love is full of mental contentment for making our life blessed and happiest not just for continuous pain for ruining us. It is not like that I need you or want you to fulfill my desire and make me happy. 
-Love is not bound to obey the rules to keep you into the prison. Real love always belongs to the understanding mind. Sometimes it might require sacrifice and compromise to make someone free, though we cannot take this word easily. 
-But if you really love then will must do this, otherwise you are not in love, you want to make your heart to fill up with your egoistic desire.  
-Yes this is tough, I agree to make a zero expectation in our mind as a human being. But it is possible at least to have some control in your mind, that can make something better in relation. 
-Yet, if that is not work then we have choice to stay or leave away to have our own satisfaction. Because, after doing all, if  you are still hurting to handle that situation, then there will be no any other way to protect that relation for going to the next level.
-But if this is real, then there is no need to knot anyone to stay, because all your understanding, love and compromise definitely make them supposed to be with you the same, otherwise it was never for you, and would not be ever. 

Jessica Gbeholds
