Two things happen when people get massive hit in their life. In that situation either people get psychopath or grow with their higher intelligence. So choice is yours which one you like to be want because it is totally depends on you.

Some grows with their high understanding then reaching their peak point and others are becoming as corrupted or psychopath for destroying their self and around.
You can acknowledge them by their wrong doing and can be too harmful for danger even sometimes difficult to find out, the reason they are hidden within each other. They are vulnerable and want to done anything easily. So if they fail to fulfill their demand, can create any trouble for taking revenge or advantage.
There is another group those are always making complain and criticize, then live in their fear and uncertainty also expecting sympathy by showing their weakness to others. But yes, only good intention, choice, and support, by the balance act form their dearest can help them to turn their frustration or sickness to the good life.
Yes If you see this from outside you may think that is most headrest part of anyone's life and this is not only for their one day's or some-days achievement. People made this through fighting with their thousands of barriers and bitter experiences. Also their hardship and sacrifices helps them to make their dreams come true for winning the most wonderful life. So, if you can find out the real meaning of this life, you will never give up for going forward until you reach up to your higher new world.
Jessica Gbeholds
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