The truth may hurt you a little while, but a lie hurts you forever

Bitter truth good than fake lie, but people love to hear lie that gives them instant pleasure in a sudden time. Although truth is hard to hear, but it gives you permanent solution in your life.

So, if someone have courage to face the truth and take this as a challenge, they can develop their understanding and able to deal anything in any situation, what they didn't used to do before.

But some people are too fragile to misunderstand on something, they are always biased by their environment and happy to keep themselves in that particular situation.

Then they wanted to get something easily by doing nothing, as well  they like to live in those fake dreams. After that they suffer with lie for their upcoming that they did formulated by their own.

So at the end, always stay with truth and good though it's hard sometimes. But you are raising through each goodness, that will develop your thinking and understanding as well give you the permanent solution for your entire life.

Jessica Gbeholds
