Ignorance VS Intelligent

People need to connect with others to be socialized but before we have to remember to join in discussion where at least we can improve ourselves, that could be a good effect in our life for doing something better.

Sometimes we might get involve in funniest talk, this is ok but it should not be bad or criticizing someone, that might hurting in their feeling. 
Who knows? May be next day or week or in a year, within us anyone can sit in that same place, where people make jokes on you and that feeling make you fool or awful with full of regret forever.

Some people might think by creating embarrassing situation for others, they are proving themselves as most talented. Yes it is good to be a talented and social but it will be useless if you have no any control about your feelings how to behave others.

On the other hand improving  yourself this is more important, that will give you a balance satisfied life, as well a useful contribution for your society.
Therefore, try to be with someone or any group where you can learn something to increase your knowledge. But for some people it can be a little hard sometimes because they are more interested to criticize or make fun on others.
So if you don't want to then don't, no one is going to forcing you for doing this. Because this is your own choice for your life what you will choose.
But the fact is good thinking and work will give you the best reward, whereas bad thinking give the sudden pleasure of excitement, that will keep the worst value to the life before you realize, even hard to get the chance for another start. 
                          Life will let you get away with something for a while; but sooner or later you will pay the price. Everything you do in life causes the effect you experience. So when you get the bill be prepared to pay. (Unknown Quote)

Then again, life will give you the chance to experience through the bad to the good, so choose wisely every steps after you paid, where you want to be in your greater reality. ( Nov 2023).

Jessica Gbeholds
