Generate better ideas instead just thinking normally

                Cultivate The Intense Few, Instead of the Lukewarm Many
Writing or speaking on something is not just enough for knowing your intelligence, but what is come out from your mind with better idea's, that is more important. Yes, many people have different choice, but need to be qualitative mindset instead of quantitative with absolute valuable information for the significant impact to your field.  
However, that doesn't mean you will disrespect others concept where your taste and thinking might not similar with them or you may not able to relate their topic. But they are also struggling for making their own place and that could be work for them. So, if you really not like their views simply you can ignore those without making any poor statement.

Though this is also right, when you make something different which is better for a greater purpose that will make you more valuable and stronger for going forward to your destination. And this intention makes you feel more happy, because it gives you the deepest power and satisfaction from your heart also keep you up with the higher understanding to yourself with love.
Jessica Gbeholds
