Criticism can be Turn into the constructive feedback

In this stage of life finally, I understand that haters can teach you indirectly, some of most valuable facts. Otherwise you may not able to learn from any of your dearest or institution to your entire lifetime. So, this is very obvious, if you can find out the root causes, then you will understand the real meaning of this reason.
This is also right that a largest group of people cannot take any criticism easily, then they fall and unable to take any stands for them to the rest of life. Same as, it makes them unfortunate and worthless to their family and society. 
Yes we may confront through this situation almost every time, therefore we should take this as an opportunity instead of complaining or fearing on that issues all time. Also we can accept the criticism as a constructive feedback for facing any challenges, that can turn into us as an unstoppable force through our learning.
Besides this, discover your hidden worth to make something different and show the world that you can do anything by using your powerful strength, that they might couldn't ever imagine.
To the end, need to understand that life is not too short and complicated to find out the reason for going forward, through dealing with all of your obstacles. Then finally, live your life happily with full of enjoyment where you are making your greatest future within and out to your higher world.
Jessica Gbeholds
