Mystery Of Truth Within Your Deep Hidden Thought

@Truth is secret and not always sounds good, even sometimes twisted with life. But you can choose to accept and use your power to turn the situation for better by changing the truth. 

Another way, trust and see the truth with the eye of your kindness, where deeper truth existed, that will lead you to your peace for the best version of your beautiful transformation.

@You are the good and evil both and you have choice to choose for creating the one of best or worst.

Similarly, you can combine both and take the greatest form of those with the depth logic of information and purest version of your emotion for your wonderful creation.

@You may ask for anything for your desire and if you get then you are lucky. But if you don't then you are the blessed and luckiest one, the reason you are preparing for the higher purpose. 

And through this you will meet your all desire one by one, and then coming to your utmost power by eliminating your all desire again, for reaching to the higher state of silence. 

@The journey for one, comes through the several lifetimes, finally knowing the full of journey by the last time. Where you are experiencing from attachment to detachment, deeper to above, darkness to the light, crowd to the silence finally emptiness to everything, that's keeps you within to beyond universe.


Jessica Gbeholds
