Controlling SHOULD Be In THE Right WAY: Some people are always want to control everything for establishing their power. Actually they are conditioning by their false belief, within their mind for doing some wrongful continuous activities.
They even don't realize, how ignored they are to their surrounding by introducing their worthless tricky thinking. However most of them continuing their pathetic exertion through believing their deceitful mind, that may make them some kind of achiever sometimes.
But the fact is, whatever they have accomplished in their life, they couldn't reach ever to their real satisfaction. Which is actually far away from heart to shows up the complete happiness to their out and inside, until they realize.
Yes controlling might be needed sometimes for some people, situation or in place. But we need to remember that shouldn't be unkind or unjust to make people feel harassed or sad by someone or groups.
At the end, the best thing you can do ever, control yourself by your higher understanding and away from any kind of bad act, habit, situation, place and person that will save you and show you the right path to the rest of your life.
Jessica Gbeholds
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