When bad times turn into the good@(Peace Found In Pain)@Part_II

You will not be counted in this society, if you don't have a minimum social status, so in this stage people make fun on you but if you get something from them that can be only a little sympathy. And these act make you feel frustrated, low and helpless which is the barrier for building up your strength and success.

But yes everyone will not be the same, because in this world you still have some great people, those are coming as blessing and encouraging you for going forward with something better in life.

Then in the second part of life, when you just started to going through the success, in this stage some people praise you and encourage you that is kind of energized medicine, makes you enthusiastic for doing something best to next. But still you will have some people to your around those are always  trying to pull you down.

And the last stage when you are almost to the peak point of your success. Then most of are even those are created all bad things in front or behind you, they will also feel respected, encouraged and loved to meet with you in that time and bound to say that you have really done something great work that could be a part of contribution at least for someone success in this world.

But that doesn't mean that all of your bad times gone forever and you are completely free from them. So you have to accept the law of society or nature, that cannot be finished ever. And this thinking make you become more content, easier and stronger to confront any kind of struggle for the rest of your life.
Finally, remember that we can never control all the actions and opinions of others, but we can choose how to respond and act from our side, as well can keep our surrounding clean and safe to have our own highest path. Where we will live freely to have our best of greatest and happiest life.

Jessica Gbeholds
